What To Do When TikTok Is Banned

Get Back into Reading
With all this newfound time you can finally tackle that TBR. Want to enter a world you’ve never been to before, crack open a paperback and immerse yourself. Get that rush of entertainment the old-fashioned way. 

Learn a Language 
Have you been meaning to learn Spanish or Japanese? Maybe you want to travel along the Rhine like a local and need to learn German. There is a whole world of language out there and instead of scrolling you can traverse that world instead.  

Commit Minor Theft
Go to your local CVS at 4:59pm on a Tuesday, make sure you are out of sight of the cashier and that no one is stacking the shelves in your aisle. The cameras hover above the middle of each aisle and there are mirrored half walls that angle reflections across the store. Knock over a small bag of Trolli gummies and when you go to pick it up, slide a Three Musketeers into your jacket pocket. Buy the Trollis, not the Musketeers and calmly walk out to your car. Think about your crime for the next three weeks. 

Catch Up on Sleep
With the ban you won’t be able to scroll on TikTok for hours on end in bed now! You can use that time to catch up on some much needed ZZZs.  

Start a Cult
It’s easier than you think. Find a message board of your choice. Start all your posts, ‘I heard…’ and ‘This is just a thought…’, you are forming a snowball. After a month or so, move on to posting ‘I know for a fact…’ or ‘It’s really so simple if you think about it…’, you are rolling the snowball down the hill. You can choose your path, it could be religious, political, or psychological. Religion is usually the easiest but politics is certainly finding a root in the current environment. Once you build your base, announce your compound in a low-populated state, territory, or region. For this I would recommend the lowlands of Montana, the hills of Puerto Rico, or ragged rocks of Chile. Once there you can grow your cult into a murderous gang or into a political movement, this truly is up to you. The snowball is now an avalanche.

Join a Community Gym
You got into a little shape with all those TikTok dances now take it to the next level with a group fitness class. Exercise is great but exercising with a friend is even better. 

Overthrow the Government
Theft is easy, justice is not. Find a government that has for too long oppressed its people, a good people who deserve a system, no, a leader who will fight for them. This rebellion is not fair but it is righteous. This will take some time as you gather your forces but you can plant the seeds and watch them grow into mighty trees. A people need a leader, why can’t it be you? Governments change and are breakable, you are strong. Look at you, you started a cult, you do CrossFit, and you are well-rested. Running a nation is remarkably easy once you get the hang of it. You’ll be fine King. 

Start a Journal
Journaling is a great place to put down your thoughts and feelings. Get that notebook out and write, write, write. You can jot down some ideas for your new nation here!

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