bless this dishwasher

u purr while you work, do as told, u never scold
when i forget a dish & pry your cavernous mouth
open dripping, ravenous for more feed, sweating
like on the cusp of when babies are conceived. 
the kind of heat that teases a 3rd degree but zaps
away the day instead, the kind that rolls u over
& puts u to bed still wet, without a kiss. oh yes,

yours is the ride or die intense, the 100% that bitch
who gets her done with the press of a button —
just like that — god bless — dishes glowing & dewy.
my fairy god mother u are, my crutch my therapist,
u are the guy in atlanta refinancing my house
with no face or history, you have never disappointed me
yet, a controlled tempest, me in the car with all
the windows & doors closed, screaming.

i praise your symmetry, your stamina — 112 minutes
to be exact — & just when i think your engorged body
of steel will burst, you aria three times like a hallelujah
then wilt like rain, limp & spent, your soft storm
coursing thru your plastic spines, a dying hurricane.

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