QUIZ: Coronavirus Or Your Annoying Friend Brenda?

Looking for ways to pass the time during quarantine? Take this fun quiz!

  1. Shows up unannounced
  2. Makes airport travel a nightmare
  3. Ruined your wedding
  4. Escalates racial tensions
  5. Is obsessed with Italians
  6. Prefers Princess cruises (but has been on every cruise line)
  7. Fuels conspiracy theories
  8. Loves hugging
  9. Gets more destructive with alcohol
  10. Can’t be trusted around large groups of people
  11. Makes you want to stay home and never go out again
  12. Was actually worse in the (18)80s
  13. Really sucks the air out of the room

Coronavirus: 1–13
Brenda: 1–13

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